Bandai Namco, the renowned Japanese publisher, has announced the closure of its online division, known as Bandai Namco Online. In a recent statement, the company revealed that this division will be dissolved, with all operations being integrated into the main Bandai Namco company. It’s unclear at this point how this decision might impact the existing staff.
Established in 2009, Bandai Namco Online specialized in developing online games. Over the years, it brought us several notable titles, including Dragon Ball Z: X KeeperZ, Gundam Evolution, and Blue Protocol. However, due to significant shifts in the gaming industry’s landscape, Bandai Namco decided to streamline its operations. This move aims to enhance the overall management of its digital business.
In a related development, Bandai Namco announced earlier this year that it plans to shut down the MMO game Blue Protocol—a collaborative effort with Amazon—come January 18th, 2025.