Right now, the buzz in the gaming world is all about Helldivers 2 and its Democracy Space Station. This massive feature takes center stage, and the latest mission order capitalizes on it to aid in planet liberation. It’s somewhat amusing that this mission order has been issued while the DSS’s special abilities are all cooling down, making them temporarily unusable.
Interestingly, the DSS’s orbital barrages have previously been a bit too good at accidentally taking out helldivers, especially towards the end of last week. Because of this, some players might be relieved that it’s having a short break. In response, the team at Arrowhead swiftly got to work on fixes, so hopefully, everything will be smoother and less hazardous for Super Earthers in the future.
In this new mission, players are tasked with using the freshly operational Democracy Space Station to gain dominance over more planets than they lose within the next several days. Sounds straightforward enough, but as discussed by some Reddit users upon announcement, it’s come at a time when all three of the DSS’s special abilities are idling in cooldown.
As it stands, the first ability, the orbital blockade, is nearly fifteen hours from being ready to use again, unless something changes in the meantime. Meanwhile, the eagle storm will take about a day and fourteen hours to become available, and the orbital barrages will remain unavailable for three days and fourteen hours.
However, let’s be optimistic. This mission order will run for just over five days, so there’s plenty of time to get all abilities up and running before it ends. Plus, it doesn’t seem like players will be rushing to finish early.
Some players suggest that Arrowhead, particularly regarding the orbital barrages, might be ensuring everything functions properly before they return. Still, the prolonged cooldowns have frustrated some, and there’s a growing wish that Arrowhead might reduce these waits in the future or introduce new DSS abilities to bridge the gaps between the major powers.
What are your thoughts on the future of the DSS? Are the cooldowns too drawn out for your liking? Share what you think with us in the comments below!