About a year ago, I embarked on a journey to create episodes of 3rd Party 64, focusing on the various Army Men games that found their way to the Nintendo 64. At that time, an intriguing Christmas-themed commercial for Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes surfaced, courtesy of The Video Game History Foundation. This commercial coincidentally aligned with one of the games I was covering.
This discovery sparked a conversation with the Foundation’s director, Frank Cifaldi, about a fascinating collection they had recently acquired. The collection was from Michael Mendheim, the mastermind behind the Sarge’s Heroes series. After our discussion, I found myself with a treasure trove of documentation on the development of the Army Men series, greatly expanding the scope of my project. By late summer 2024, Frank invited me along for a deeper dive, bringing me onto an upcoming episode of The Video Game History Hour to talk with Mendheim about his games, providing even more valuable insights.
In this particular episode of 3rd Party 64, you’ll find clips from that enlightening interview, along with the in-depth research drawn from the documents provided by The Video Game History Foundation. Their dedication to preserving video game history proved invaluable for covering these games in such detail.
But hold on, there’s even more!
Very soon, it became clear that I was uncovering far more about Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes than I could possibly fit into the original video. To share these hidden gems, we decided to spin off a second video, showcasing nine intriguing, previously undocumented facts unearthed from this research. You can catch this video on The Video Game History Foundation’s YouTube channel.
For those interested in supporting the incredible work of The Video Game History Foundation, consider making a donation here.