OneXPlayer has unveiled the X1 Pro, a versatile 3-in-1 device boasting AMD’s Strix Point APUs. This new offering is making waves following the F1 Pro and Ayaneo 3 and is among the first handhelds to harness the power of AMD’s Zen 5 Strix Point APUs. It’s shaping up to be a formidable competitor to GPD’s upcoming Pocket 4 mini-laptops.
Designed with flexibility in mind, the OneXPlayer X1 Pro doubles as a laptop, a tablet, and a handheld device. Like the Pocket 4, it’s equipped with the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370, housing 12 cores (split between four Zen 5 and eight Zen5c) in a dual-CCX layout, along with 12MB of L2 cache and 24MB of L3 cache. The processor can boost up to a speed of 5.1 GHz. Its integrated GPU, the Radeon 890M, features 16 Compute Units, and with AMD’s XDNA 2, the NPU on the HX 370 impressively reaches 50 TOPS in AI performance.
The display doesn’t disappoint either. You’re looking at a 10.95-inch 120 Hz LTPS panel, delivering a sharp 2560×1600 (2.5K) resolution. The screen covers an impressive 138% of the sRGB color space and shines with 540 nits of brightness. You’ve got the flexibility to choose your storage – from 1TB to 4TB, with blazing fast read speeds of up to 7.1 GB/s and write speeds reaching 6.5 GB/s, all within the 2280 form factor. Plus, a MicroSD card slot offers additional storage possibilities.
The device’s battery is pretty solid too, a 65.02Wh unit promising up to eight hours of life. However, real-world usage at a 28W configuration will get you around two hours of run time. OneXPlayer was thoughtful enough to include a 100W Gallium Nitride charger. On the connectivity front, you’ve got Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.2 to keep you connected.
The control setup is equally impressive, featuring hall-effect RGB joysticks designed to prevent stick drift. For those concerned about ports, there are two USB 4.0 ports, an OCuLink interface, a MicroSD card slot, a USB 3.2 Type-A port, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
Starting today, the X1 Pro is available for pre-order at a special discounted rate during the presale period. Shipping kicks off on January 3rd, and OneXPlayer plans to showcase the X1 Pro along with other devices at CES 2025 next month. Don’t miss the opportunity to be among the first to get your hands on this innovative gadget!