“DREAMS ON A PILLOW” is a compelling video game that delves into the 1948 Nakba, a historical event where approximately 700,000 individuals were forced from their homes and lands due to Zionist occupation. This engaging narrative is brought to life by Palestinian developer Rasheed Abu-Eideh, and it promises to offer players a poignant experience that captures this significant moment in history.
The game is intriguingly described as a “pseudo-3D stealth adventure,” set in a world where the dynamics of land and identity are in constant flux. But before diving deeper into this upcoming release, it’s worth revisiting Abu-Eideh’s earlier work.
Back in 2016, Abu-Eideh made waves with “Liyla and the Shadows of War,” a game centered on the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza, known as Operation Protective Edge. The game puts players in the shoes of a young Palestinian girl and her family as they navigate their war-torn neighborhood. Despite its brevity, “Liyla” pulls at the heartstrings, masterfully combining elements of platformers with choose-your-own-adventure storytelling. Remarkably, in 2021, this game was included in an Indie Bundle Pack that succeeded in raising nearly $900,000 for Palestinian aid through UNRWA USA.
Today, “Liyla and the Shadows of War” can be downloaded for free on mobile and Windows platforms. However, its journey was not without hurdles. Initially rejected by the Apple App Store as a game, Abu-Eideh was asked to reclassify it as “News” or “Reference.” This decision, seen by many as hypocritical, drew attention because Apple simultaneously allowed a game named “Israeli Heroes” to remain in the game section. This controversy ignited a conversation on social media, ultimately leading Apple to recognize “Liyla” as a game.
Now, Abu-Eideh is crowdfunding “Dreams on a Pillow” on LaunchGood, with the campaign running until January 13. The funds gathered will be crucial for asset creation, outsourcing, and paying the dedicated team of nine individuals working on the project. With a target release set for the fourth quarter of 2026, there’s a hopeful anticipation surrounding this new chapter in Abu-Eideh’s journey to tell stories through gaming.