11 Bit Studios, the renowned Polish game developer, recently announced some unfortunate layoffs. The company shared on its website that it has decided to halt development on what was meant to be its flagship console game, known as Project 8. This ambitious project kicked off in 2018, and by the year 2024, a total of 37 employees were hard at work bringing it to life.
The studio has already poured a substantial PLN 48.4 million, which translates to about $11.8 million, into the game. However, after conducting a thorough assessment, they decided to stop further development. Project 8 faced multiple hurdles, not least of which was the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Przemysław Marszał, the president of the board, shared some insights about the decision. “Our vision for Project 8 was both bold and thrilling, especially since it was crafted with console players in mind,” he noted. Marszał highlighted the fact that the game’s conception took place when story-driven, narrative-rich experiences were the cornerstone of the gaming market.
In his explanation, Marszał emphasized how the management evaluated the project’s progress, looking at internal reviews, independent surveys, and thorough market analysis. They also considered the potential for sales and marketing. Unfortunately, the investigation unveiled several unresolved issues, which hinted that extending the production timeline and increasing the budget would be necessary. These factors, coupled with adjusted sales forecasts, reflecting the evolving market landscape, cast serious doubts on the game’s potential for profitability.