The Ennie Awards, a prestigious ceremony in the world of tabletop gaming, recently announced a significant policy change that will take effect after this year’s awards. From the 2025-2026 awards cycle onward, nominations for products utilizing generative AI will be prohibited. This decision followed considerable feedback from fans and industry professionals, voiced across social media platforms and other channels. It’s important to note, however, that for the upcoming 2024-2025 awards, AI-influenced products can still be submitted.
In a statement, the Ennies organization—independent of the EN World forums since 2019—clarified this upcoming rule change. They asserted, “Starting with the 2025-2026 cycle, we will no longer accept any products featuring generative AI or developed with assistance from Large Language Models or related technologies, whether for visual, written, or edited content. Creators must ensure their submissions are entirely free of AI-generated elements. Although it’s impractical to change the rules retroactively for the 2024-2025 season, this new policy underscores our dedication to honoring the human ingenuity that is central to the TTRPG community.”
The debate over generative AI remains heated in the tabletop gaming sphere, largely due to environmental concerns and ethical issues regarding the unauthorized use of artists’ work by many Large Language Models. The volunteer-run Ennie Awards organization, much like other creatives navigating these technologically advanced yet ethically complex waters, is striving to stay ahead—an intention underscored in their recent announcement.
“The Ennies are a modest, volunteer-driven outfit that prides itself on the ability to swiftly adapt, despite the intrinsic challenges of their mission,” the team noted. This adaptability is essential as they work to uphold the values of creativity and originality that define the tabletop gaming community.