Ayaneo, a well-known name in handheld gaming consoles, has just unveiled its third-generation flagship device, now available for crowdfunding. This new model introduces an innovative modular controller design. On its Indiegogo campaign page, Ayaneo reveals that the Ayaneo 3 offers a Standard Module equipped with classic joysticks, a D-pad, and the ABXY buttons. There’s also a Touchpad Module which swaps out the joysticks for a touchpad, and a Fighting Module that replaces the right ABXY and joystick with a six-button setup.
What’s particularly exciting is the flexibility of these modules. You can interchange and even install them upside down, leading to a staggering 56 possible layout combinations. This means you can tailor the device to your unique style or specific gaming needs. One thing that gives us pause, though, is the motorized mechanism for ejecting the modules—it seems a tad overcomplicated. We’ll reserve our final judgment until we have the chance to try it out firsthand.
In terms of power, Ayaneo is stepping up the game by integrating AMD’s latest processors into one of its Ayaneo 3 variants. Users can opt for an AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 CPU, putting Ayaneo among the first to use this processor in a gaming handheld. However, if that seems like overkill, there’s an alternative: the AMD Ryzen 7 8840U.
Looking at the specs, the Ayaneo 3 offers something for everyone. It comes in different configurations: a 7-inch 120 Hz LCD with a peak brightness of 500 nits, or a 7-inch 144 Hz OLED screen boasting up to 800 nits. Interestingly, the pricing for both options is identical, so your decision on which screen to choose is purely based on personal preference. As far as memory goes, configurations kick off at 16GB with the 8840U but can soar to 64GB with the HX 370 processor option. Storage starts at a generous 512GB but can reach up to 4TB, ensuring you won’t be constantly managing game installs.
Starting at an accessible $899 for the base model—though this doesn’t include additional controller modules—the price can climb up to $2,099 for top-tier specifications. However, Ayaneo is throwing in a sweetener: a potential $200 to $300 discount if you back the device during the crowdfunding phase.
One important detail for budget-conscious gamers: the more affordable versions of Ayaneo 3 do not come with the extra controller modules. These are primarily included with the higher-end 64GB/2TB models. If these add-ons are a must-have, you’ll need to opt for the pricier versions, as the company doesn’t offer the modules for individual sale.
At the time of writing, Ayaneo has already surpassed its $50,000 funding goal, positioning the device for imminent production. Ayaneo boasts a strong reputation for fulfilling its commitments, which means backers can feel confident they’ll receive their eagerly anticipated device.
Yet, as with any crowdfunded project, reaching the funding target doesn’t guarantee a finished product—even with a reputable company. By purchasing now, you’re essentially investing in the company and sharing in the risks involved with launching a new product. The upside? You enjoy a nice discount and the bragging rights of being one of the first to own this cutting-edge device.