Ayaneo recently introduced their GameBoy-inspired handheld device, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG, on IndieGogo. It features a Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 chip and an OLED display. For early adopters, pricing starts at just $339 for the base model, which includes 8GB RAM and 128GB storage. The more advanced version, offering 16GB RAM and 512GB storage, comes in at $499. If you’re eyeing the exclusive “Retro Color” Limited Edition, it’s available for an Early Bird price of $589.
Despite its attractive price, the Snapdragon chip inside this handheld packs quite a punch for mobile gaming. It can smoothly run popular titles like Genshin Impact at a steady 60 FPS and handle emulating consoles from the GameCube and PlayStation 2 era with enhanced internal resolutions. However, if you’re not looking to complement an existing PC handheld, Valve’s Steam Deck, albeit with an LCD, offers a broader range of games at a lower cost.
This device isn’t just about competitive pricing; it is surprisingly packed with features for its size and cost. The Pocket DMG stands out with its hidden trigger buttons behind the classic shoulder buttons, optional motion controls, and a right-side touchpad. These additions cater perfectly to modern gaming needs, especially if you’re streaming games from your PC to the handheld. The analog stick, though compact, uses hall-effect sensors, known for their resistance to drift over time.
Choosing an OLED screen for a device this small might seem excessive to some, but the market’s other premium options, like the Analogue Pocket, also favor high-quality displays. While the Analogue goes for a 1440p LCD, the Pocket DMG sports a 3.92-inch OLED screen with 1,240 x 1,080 resolution, capable of displaying around 104% NTSC color gamut and reaching up to 450 nits brightness. The OLED’s low input lag makes it an excellent option for retro gaming, even if it doesn’t aim to replace Steam Deck OLED or the more robust PC gaming handhelds for AAA titles.
For enthusiasts of emulation and Android gaming, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG is a premium choice that doesn’t let its compact size compromise performance. Although the 12GB and 16GB RAM models might seem overkill for a device that isn’t a full-blown PC handheld, current mobile games and emulations can demand substantial resources. If you’re planning smartly, opting for the entry-level model and expanding storage with an SD card might be your best strategy.
Additionally, the Pocket DMG offers USB 3.2 Gen 2 via a Type-C port, facilitating data transfer at up to 10 Gigabits per second, along with Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3 support. While its wired connection features might not be extraordinary, the wireless capabilities, particularly Wi-Fi 7 with speeds up to 30 Gigabits per second, are excellent for activities like Steam Remote Play.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that backing a crowdfunding project doesn’t guarantee you’ll end up with a completed product. Supporting such ventures is akin to making an investment; you’re putting faith in the project’s potential for success, not immediately purchasing a finished retail item.