A dedicated Pokémon enthusiast has intriguingly transformed classic creatures, Rattata and its evolution, into Normal/Ghost-type variants. Known as Flattata and Raticarcas, these versions provide a fresh take on regional variants—a trend that has captured the imaginations of fans since Pokémon Sun and Moon introduced the concept. Fans have been giving high marks to the creativity and thought behind these designs.
For those familiar with the Pokémon universe, Rattata needs no introduction. This iconic Pokémon made its debut in Pokémon Red and Blue, quickly becoming one of the most ubiquitous creatures a player might encounter. Characterized by its small, mouse-like appearance, prominent teeth, and purple hue, Rattata evolves into Raticate at level 20. The Pokémon Sun and Moon series even teased fans with a Dark/Normal variant of these critters featuring black fur and distinctive whiskers.
In a delightful twist, artist Matratzfratz has brought forth Flattata and Raticarcas. The former draws inspiration from the notion of a wild Rattata meeting an unfortunate demise as roadkill, while the latter embodies the eerie transformation into a spirit left to linger. The Pokémon community quickly embraced these inventive concepts, showering Matratzfratz with over 2,200 upvotes and plenty of praise.
This isn’t the first time Matratzfratz has taken the Pokémon world by storm with inventive spins on well-loved Gen 1 Pokémon. Not too long ago, they unveiled a regional variant of Oddish, complete with unique evolutions. In this imaginative scenario, a typical Oddish falls prey to parasitic leaf miners, which overtake its body. The Pokémon undergoes an extraordinary transformation as it evolves, ultimately emerging as a completely new Bug/Grass-type cohort when the infestation takes command.
Adding to their creative portfolio, Matratzfratz has also reimagined Ponyta as a Flying-type Pokémon. This rendition, capturing a half-Pegasus, half-chariot hybrid adorned with snowy fur and azure feathers, earned applause for its originality and flair.
Other artists have ventured into artistic redesigns of Rattata and its evolutions too. Earlier this year, one fan devised a new evolution, Ratiking. Emerging when several Raticate unite their tails in a mystical ceremony, this Normal/Ghost-type creature bursts forth, wielding ghostly powers and a mysterious energy compelling enough to face any adversary.
The Pokémon franchise, an expansive universe spanning games, television, and merchandise, continues to inspire creative minds worldwide. Thanks to fans like Matratzfratz, the series maintains fresh and exciting twists for veterans and newcomers alike.