Amazon’s upcoming animated video game anthology, Secret Level, is set to be released later this month. Interestingly, it will feature an episode on the now-defunct game, Concord. Despite Concord’s studio closure following its disappointing performance and the game’s permanent offline status, the episode is still going ahead.
Since the announcement of the studio shutdown, there’s been some buzz about whether the episode would be pulled from the line-up. However, Amazon has remained firm on airing it. In an interview with GamesRadar, series creators Tim Miller and Dave Willson addressed the situation. Miller stated, “It never came up with us. Honestly, Amazon never suggested canceling it, nor did we think about pulling it because, really, why would we?”
According to Miller, including games that are no longer active isn’t unheard of in the show. “We’ve got games in our mix like Unreal Tournament, which is no longer around. Concord’s situation is a bit unique, but we have a compelling story and stunning animation that so many people worked incredibly hard to produce. I don’t see any reason to sideline it just because the game is no longer available. I get why people might question it, like, ‘What are they doing?’ or, ‘Why include this?'”
Miller expressed pride in the episode, noting that it has a visually appealing design and that it’s a shame the game itself didn’t get to stay around. He added, “The developers were great folks doing their best. Their struggles haven’t changed our enthusiasm to share what we’ve collectively created.”
Wilson also chimed in, explaining that part of the essence of Secret Level encompasses showcasing games from various timelines: past, present, and future. Although Concord’s past is still relatively recent and perhaps a sore spot for some, this episode might offer viewers a glimpse at a future that was envisioned for the game, albeit one that wasn’t realized.