A pretty frustrating bug has been causing headaches for players diving into Indiana Jones and the Last Circle, specifically affecting the ability to snag the Indiana Jones and the Great Circle achievements. It’s been more than six weeks since MachineGames’ stellar Xbox action-adventure game hit the shelves, yet this progress-stopping glitch continues to be a thorn in players’ sides.
Right now, folks are particularly struggling with the pesky bug that disrupts the Blessed Pearl mission in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. This glitch interferes with Jones’ ability to climb ladders and vines or squeeze through tight spots, which is a real nuisance. MachineGames is reportedly aware of the situation, but it’s proving to be a major stumbling block in what is otherwise a fantastic gaming experience.
I’ve absolutely adored Indiana Jones and the Great Circle since it debuted last year. That said, the Blessed Pearl mission in Sukhothai is proving to be a major pain point not just for me, but for many others. This issue specifically arises on the Sukhothai level. During a crucial segment in The Blessed Pearl mission, Indy has to squeeze through a small gap in a cave to continue his adventure. However, because this part of the level is isolated from the main section, you’re effectively stuck. While you can fast travel to a different location, the bug sticks with you, leaving Indy incapable of climbing or slipping through cracks.
This glitch is beyond annoying and has forced me to pause the game until MachineGames patches it up. There is an option to revert to a previous save, but two out of my three save files are plagued by the bug. My last option would mean sacrificing hours of gameplay, including the time spent collecting items in the Vatican City’s labyrinth.
A Reddit post revealed that MachineGames knows about this hiccup and links it to a character named Sunan and the Lost in the Past side quest. Apparently, after finishing fieldwork and handing the golden hook to Sunan, there’s a vital prompt to chat with Sunan once more. If you interact correctly, Indy retains his climbing abilities. Miss this step, though, and you’ll find yourself trapped in the Blessed Pearl mission loop.
For those lucky enough to have a viable save file, they can undo their steps to revisit Sunan and properly complete Lost in the Past. Unfortunately, if you’re in my shoes without a decent save, you’re pretty much stuck waiting for MachineGames to release a fix.
It’s been over six weeks since Indiana Jones and the Great Circle debuted, and while this bug is a major hurdle, it’s not the only one. There are still issues with radio frequencies for Gina, cog wheel puzzles, and other collectibles. The holiday season might have slowed MachineGames’ update process, but I really hope a patch rolls out soon because I’m eager to dive back in.
Have you hit this roadblock yourselves? Struggling with those radio frequencies or collectibles too? Maybe some achievements slipped past you? Share your experiences down in the comments.