Snap, the innovative force behind Snapchat, is now offering an exciting educational discount on their newest Spectacles AR Glasses, significantly reducing the initial $1,200 launch price by half for students and teachers. This move aims to make the cutting-edge technology more accessible to those keen on exploring augmented reality.
Launched in September 2024, these fifth-generation Spectacles, also known as Spectacles ’24, have primarily been catered toward developers. The pricing scheme was set at $100 monthly for a one-year commitment, providing cutting-edge tools to those shaping the future of AR.
The latest model comes packed with upgrades over its predecessor from 2021. It boasts a wider field of view, enhanced resolution, innovative hand-tracking capabilities, and a significant software overhaul. However, the original cost has been a significant barrier for students and educators eager to delve into AR development and learning.
An image showcases these sleek Spectacles ’24, courtesy of Snap Inc., reflecting the blend of style and technology they represent.
With the new student discount in play, the monthly cost drops to an attractive $49.50 for a 12-month term, amounting to $594 upfront for the initial year, and continuing at the same monthly rate thereafter. This provides a more feasible option for those with an academic email, such as a .edu address, or any address from a recognized educational institution.
This discount isn’t limited to a specific region; it’s available to eligible students and educators in supported regions including the US, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands, making this advanced AR experience more widely attainable.
For those curious to explore more details about Snap’s latest offering, a thorough explainer provides insights into the specifications, capabilities, and software of these Spectacles.
As of January 24th, there have been adjustments made to the communication of costs to ensure clarity regarding the headset’s pricing.