In the charming world of Stardew Valley, a player has achieved an incredible milestone by dedicating 200 hours to collect every weapon the game has to offer. This ambitious endeavor even comes with a snapshot displaying the entire arsenal amassed by the player, adding a visual testimony to their dedication.
Stardew Valley is often recognized as a serene and cozy game, where combat doesn’t necessarily take center stage. While it’s entirely possible to enjoy the game without crossing paths with a single monster, most players prefer to arm themselves with weapons for safety, especially when exploring the perilous mines. What’s remarkable, though, is that snagging every weapon in the game isn’t essential, which makes this accomplishment even more praiseworthy.
On Reddit, a user known as kindanerdyhousewife shared an impressive gallery of all the weapons they’ve collected throughout their gameplay. The collection includes a total of 63 weapons, although one turns out to be Robin’s lost axe—a quest item meant to be returned for rewards rather than wielded in battle. Interestingly, the Infinity Gavel didn’t make it into their picture. The user explained they actually own it, but simply omitted it from the photo. Adding to this display are a few chests, a fossil, and some decorative touches that make this hall of weapons even more compelling.
Securing every weapon in Stardew Valley isn’t as easy as it might sound. Some weapons can be purchased or discovered with relative ease, but others, like the Infinity Gavel, demand more effort. To create this formidable gavel, players must combine the Galaxy Hammer with three Galaxy Souls and 60 Cinder Shards. Moreover, obtaining a Galaxy Hammer necessitates unlocking the Galaxy Sword, which itself requires the highly coveted Prismatic Shard. Kindanerdyhousewife’s collection also features several exclusive weapons that can only be acquired by trading Calico Eggs with NPCs during the Desert Festival. It’s understandable why this task could consume more than 200 hours, depending on a player’s efficiency and focus.
The sight of this impressive weapon collection has captivated many players, and at least one respondent expressed interest in attempting a similar challenge on their own. It’s unclear if kindanerdyhousewife plans to collect other items like boots and rings, but with this arsenal, they’re certainly well-equipped for any in-game threats. It’ll be intriguing to see if they set their sights on other unique challenges moving forward.
In the rich landscape of Stardew Valley, players start with their grandfather’s humble farm plot, inherited alongside a few basic tools and some coins. With determination and effort, they have the chance to breathe new life into the valley and restore the once-flourishing community center. Since its release on February 26, 2016, by developer and publisher ConcernedApe, the game has invited players into its heartwarming yet challenging world, and this latest feat by kindanerdyhousewife is just another testament to the endless possibilities awaiting within Stardew Valley.