Tango Gameworks, the renowned Japanese developer, is mulling over the idea of crafting a sequel to their popular 2023 release, Hi-Fi Rush. In a conversation with IGN, Colin Mack, who heads the studio, expressed that while there’s consideration of a sequel, there’s nothing definitive on the table just yet.
“We’re thinking about it in a positive light,” Mack shared with IGN. “However, we’re not at the point where we can say, ‘This is our plan.’”
John Johanas, the director of Hi-Fi Rush, chimed in, noting the team’s fondness for the game. “A lot of us are really passionate about Hi-Fi Rush, and that enthusiasm gives us several options. Right now, we’re exploring various possibilities,” he mentioned.
Project manager Kazuaki Egashira offered another perspective, highlighting Tango Gameworks’ commitment to innovation. “Hi-Fi Rush gained popularity as a fresh intellectual property, but sticking to the same formula indefinitely would risk making it feel dated,” Egashira explained.
He further reflected on the studio’s ethos, saying, “Tango Gameworks is all about embracing new challenges. I aim to keep working in a way that prioritizes our developers and keeps our passion alive.”