AEXLAB, the innovative minds behind the virtual reality shooter Vail released in 2024, have just embarked on a fresh venture to fund their project’s future. They’ve launched a crowd-investment campaign aimed at fueling further developments. It’s worth noting that Vail has already raked in over $5.5 million in revenue, attracting more than 300,000 unique players across both PC VR and Quest platforms.
Unlike the standard crowdfunding campaigns where backers typically receive a product as a reward for their investment, AEXLAB, based in Miami, is taking a different approach. They’re opting for equity crowd-investment, allowing fans and investors to buy a stake in Vail’s continued evolution.
Drawing inspiration from Virtuix, which successfully funded its Omni One VR treadmill back in 2023, AEXLAB is inviting individual investors to purchase common stocks in the company. According to their investment page, they have set the minimum buy-in at $1,000, with the current share price at $36.52.
However, keep in mind that shares in private companies aren’t as liquid as those on public exchanges. Cashing out requires either the company being acquired or going public through an IPO, both of which are long-term endeavors. As noted in their FAQ, these options could take anywhere from five to ten years, or perhaps longer.
While predicting the expansion rate of XR technology can be tricky, AEXLAB clearly aims to connect with those who believe in the booming potential of this industry and trust in the studio’s ability to steer that growth successfully.
In the words of the studio itself: “We’ve built something extraordinary with your support, and it’s important to us to give longstanding community members like you the chance to be part of this next chapter. This is your opportunity to join us as we scale VAIL VR to heights previously only dreamed of.”
So, how far can Vail soar? Since its recent debut on SteamVR and Quest, the game has captivated players with its unique free-to-play/paid hybrid model. Gamers can dive into the Citadel for free, engaging in 1v1 battles and exploring its systems and weaponry, while access to the full range of multiplayer modes comes at a cost. This strategy, by all accounts, seems to be paying off.
At present, Vail boasts a glowing [4.8/5] rating on the Horizon Store for Quest based on over 13,000 user reviews, alongside a ‘Very Positive’ score from more than 2,300 user reviews on Steam.