Worlds Untold, a Canadian game development studio, has recently announced that it’s hitting the pause button on its operations. The news came through a LinkedIn post, where the studio shared its current quest to find a new partner. Emerging onto the scene in November 2023 under the leadership of Mac Walters, a seasoned talent from BioWare, Worlds Untold initially had the backing of Chinese gaming powerhouse NetEase. We’ve reached out to NetEase for clarification on the current status of this partnership.
“This was not a decision we made lightly,” the studio expressed on LinkedIn. “It’s been a deeply personal journey, and we’re all so proud of everything this team has built together.”
During this pause, the talented members of their team will be venturing into new opportunities. They extended an invitation for any organizations looking for dedicated and skilled professionals to connect with them. “I’d be honored to introduce you to some of the best people I’ve ever worked with,” the message continued.
Acknowledging the current situation as heartbreaking, the studio expressed deep gratitude for the support from its partners, friends, and family. They emphasized that although operations are on hold for now, this was not the end. “There’s more to come,” they assured, hinting at more developments that they hope to share when the time is right.